Jerome Ferro
5302 Taylor St.
Bladensburg,MD 20710
(202) 498-7952(W)
(301)699-3479 (H)
Demonstrate qualifications for
Position as post production editer
October 2010 To Present |
Amtech Reliable Elevator company 7943A Penn Randall Place Upper Marlboro, Md 20772 |
December 2002 To September 2010 |
Maryland Elevator Services 2147 Priest Bridge Dr Crofton,MD 21114 |
October 1990 to December 2002 |
Amtech Reliable Elevator company 7943A Penn Randall Place Upper Marlboro, Md 20772 |
Oct0 ober 1986 to October 1990 |
Elevator Control Service 8231 Penn Randall Place Upper Marlboro, Md. 20772 |
March 1980 to October 1986 |
Otis Elevator Company |
EDUCATION 1972-1 976 |
Archbishop John Carrol HighSchool Harewood Rd NE Washington, Dc |
I have been working on Swift 5000 elevator controls since December 1991. I have worked on analogue and digital scr drives.
Began programming in visual basic in 1996.1 have written software that takes advantage of the asci commands built into the swift controllers. I can download the adjustment parameters compare recorded values with controller settings and adjust either as needed.
I have also written software for kone tms 600s,swift futura, baxco and a handheld emulator tool for the magnetek dsd 412 digital drive.
I built a prototype 2 input I output pc to monitor status lights on a tms600 using the opto22 modules used on the swift system.I am interested in designing and building hardware and developing the software needed to make it go.
I record Sunday morning church services. I edit the material and author a cd. I edit an additional file the sermon. I then upload it ti the internet.”.
I use photoshop for all aspects of graphics editing.When you send data to a printer, you are sending graphic information, it stands to reason a graphics editing program would be a good choice for this task.
I also edit video,nonlinear at 2 levels. Consumer, corel video studio for shorter render times or edius 5 when fancierbells and whistles are requiered.