
Realtek HD Audio Data Rerouter

Rthdcpl.exe is the Realtexk audio controlpanel.

If RtkBtMnt.exe process is running, a temp file has been created and cannot be removed until the process has been stopped.

Since rthdcpl creates the file,the only way to stop it from loading is to suppress hthdcpl from running during startup.

The instructiopns that load rthdcpl are contained in the registry.

The process can be disabled using 3rd party programs that allow you to choose what programs load at startup.

I don't think the program is any problem because once the temp files are created it doesn't even take up cpu clocks.

You can also shut it down using task manager.


If it does not occupy cpu clock time it is not hurting anything but because rkill flagges it I set my machine not to load it at startup.