DirDisplays a list of the files and subdirectories in a directory. The dir command with the parameters listed below is only available when you are using the Recovery Console. The dir command with different parameters is available from the command prompt. dir [drive:][path][filename] Parameters [drive:][path] Specifies the drive and directory for which you want to see a listing. [filename] Specifies a particular file or group of files for which you want to see a listing. Multiple file names can be used. File names can be separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons. You can use wildcard characters (? and *) in the filename parameter to display a group of files. Dir also lists the disk's volume label and serial number, and the total number of files listed, their cumulative size, and the free space (in bytes) remaining on the disk. For each file and subdirectory, dir lists the file name extension, the file size in bytes, the date and time the file was last modified, and the following file attributes, if applicable: Abbreviation Attribute d Directory h Hidden file s System file e Encrypted r Read-only a File ready for archiving c Compressed p Reparse point Note Dir only operates within the system directories of the current Windows installation, removable media, the root directory of any hard disk partition, and the local installation sources. Related Topics